How to use "All products after N for Fixed Price" action

The guidance below explains how to set up the action ‘All products after N for Fixed Price’ of Special Promotions extension.

With this action you can create promotions like ‘Buy 4 products for full price and get each additional product for $100’, or ‘Buy 5 shirts for full price and get each additional one for $20’.


Let’s observe the steps of the action configuration.

Please open Admin Panel > Promotions > Shopping Cart Price Rules (click ‘Add New Rule’ button) > Actions.


Step 1. Choose ‘All products after N -- Fixed Price’ field.

Step 2. Use ‘Discount Amount’ field to indicate the amount to which products ‘after N’ should be discounted. If you specify 100 like here, all products which exceed the ‘N’ number will cost 100 after the discount rule gets applied.

Step 3. Please use ‘Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To’ to specify maximal number of items to which the discount should apply in one order. If you specify 3 like shown on the screenshot, it means that the customer will get not more than 3 products for the fixed price of $100.

Step 4. Use ‘Discount Qty Step (Buy X)’ to specify the ‘N’ number. Here we specified ‘4’, which means that the customer will buy 4 most expensive products for full price and all additional products for the fixed price $100.



Please look at the example of the rule we’ve created above.



As you can see there are six items in the cart. Two cheapest items (Ottoman and BlackBerry 8100 Pearl) are for $100 according to the discount rule.

See more details on Special Promotions page

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