A Guide to Building a B2B Marketing Funnel From Scratch

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B2B Marketing Funnel
Posted in: B2B Strategies

You're scrolling through social media, minding your own business when an ad catches your eye. It's clever, relevant, and piques your curiosity about a product that could solve a nagging problem for your B2B operation, team, or company. Intrigued, you click through, download a white paper/document, and attend a webinar. Weeks later, you're having a demo with a salesperson, impressed by the solution, and seriously considering a purchase.

That is the power of a well-crafted B2B marketing funnel.

But hold on, you might be thinking, "Isn't a funnel just a sales thing?" Not quite! While sales play a crucial role, the B2B marketing funnel is a broader strategy nurturing leads along their journey from initial awareness to loyal customers.

In this guide, we'll look at the B2B marketing funnel stages and discuss the overarching concepts of building out your dream B2B content marketing funnel that will not only attract leads but nurture and qualify them as well.

Why Do I Need a B2B Marketing Funnel?

Grabbing attention and building trust takes time and effort. This is especially true for B2B operations. Companies are never looking to buy something; they do not have a consumer mindset. They are solutions-oriented compared to their consumer counterparts.

Businesses, however, are always looking for a value add that saves them both time and money in the long run - or makes operations much less of a headache. A well-defined funnel helps you:

  • Attract the right audience. Laser-target your ideal customers with relevant content and messaging. When in doubt, keep niching down.
  • Nurture leads. Develop relationships with potential buyers, educating them about your brand and its value.
  • Convert leads into customers. Guide interested prospects down the purchase path.
  • Measure success. Track your funnel's effectiveness and optimize it for better results.

Think of it like a well-maintained garden. You wouldn't just toss seeds and hope for roses, right? You carefully cultivate the soil, nurture the seedlings, and watch them blossom.

However, a great gardener also doesn't look at the seeds and wish they would grow. Nurture them and trust them in the process, but keep track of their results.

B2B Sales and Marketing Funnel Stages

Every successful B2B marketing funnel follows a similar structure, although the specific stages might vary depending on your industry and target audience.

Here's a breakdown of the critical phases:


This is where you grab attention and spark interest in your brand. For example, blog posts, social media campaigns, industry reports, and targeted advertising. The goal? Position yourself as a thought leader and make potential customers aware of their challenges.


Now that you have their attention, it's time to dive deeper. Offer valuable content like white papers, case studies, webinars, and ebooks that address their specific pain points. This is where you showcase your expertise and demonstrate how your product or service can be the solution. You want to act quickly; attention doesn't stand around forever.


Here's where nurtured leads become serious prospects. Provide in-depth product information, free trials, demos, and consultations. This stage is all about helping them understand the unique value proposition you offer compared to competitors. Don't offer them something they don't want. When in doubt, ask more questions.


This is where the rubber meets the road! Arm your potential customers with success stories, referrals, testimonials, and transparent pricing breakdowns. This is where you address any remaining questions or concerns and nudge them towards making a purchase decision.


Don't stop the party after the sale! Happy customers become brand advocates. Foster long-term relationships with loyalty programs, ongoing support, and exclusive content. This final stage is crucial for building repeat business and positive word-of-mouth marketing. Check in with them often to see if there's anything you can improve. Why not ask for a testimonial if they can't think of anything?

Read More: How to Optimize Each Funnel Stage and Increase Profit

B2B Marketing Funnel vs. B2B Sales Funnel

Both the B2B marketing funnel and the sales funnel are essential for guiding potential clients from initial contact to final purchase. However, they each focus on different aspects of this journey and have distinct purposes.

While they work hand-in-hand, the B2B marketing funnel encompasses a broader scope. It nurtures leads across all digital and offline touchpoints, builds brand awareness, and generates interest. The sales funnel, on the other hand, kicks in during the "Consideration" stage, focusing on directly converting those leads into paying customers.

Here’s a comparison highlighting their differences and similarities:

B2B Marketing Funnel

The B2B marketing funnel aims to attract, engage, and nurture potential business clients through various stages until they are ready to interact with the sales team. It focuses on generating interest and building relationships.

Main Characteristics:

  • The B2B Marketing funnel emphasizes attracting and educating leads before handing them over to sales.
  • The marketing funnel implies creating content that addresses prospects' pain points and interests.
  • Its metrics include website traffic, engagement rates, and lead quality.

B2B Sales Funnel

The B2B sales funnel is specifically designed to convert leads into customers. It focuses on direct interactions, negotiations, and closing deals.

Main Characteristics:

  • The B2B sales funnel focuses on direct engagement with the prospects, discussions and consultation sessions – all with the goal of closing a deal.
  • This funnel involves sales tactics like personal meetings, calls, and negotiations.
  • The sales funnel's metrics include conversion rates, sales cycle time, and deal size.

So, to sum up, the B2B marketing funnel is designed to attract and nurture leads, while the sales funnel focuses on converting those leads into customers. Marketing funnels use strategies for engagement and education, whereas sales funnels employ direct interaction and negotiation tactics. And finally, marketing funnels track engagement and lead quality, while sales funnels measure conversion success and sales effectiveness.

Marketing Funnel B2B Breakdown

Now that you understand the importance of a B2B marketing funnel, let's clearly outline the steps to build your own:

1. Define Your Target Audience

  • Develop Buyer Personas – Craft comprehensive profiles of your ideal customers, encompassing their demographics, challenges, and objectives.
  • Analyze Their Journey – Outline the typical buyer’s path, pinpointing the critical touchpoints and factors influencing their decisions.

2. Set Clear Goals

  • Define Objectives – Determine what you want to achieve with your B2B marketing funnel. Are you aiming to increase leads, improve conversion rates, or enhance customer satisfaction?
  • Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – Establish measurable metrics to track the success of your funnel, such as website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates.

3. Create High-Quality Content

  • Content Calendar – Develop a content calendar that aligns with your target audience's interests and the stages of the funnel.
  • Content Formats – Employ a variety of content formats, such as blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, case studies, and videos, to cater to different preferences.
  • SEO Optimization – Optimize your content for search engines to increase visibility and attract organic traffic.

4. Choose the Right Channels

  • Identify Touchpoints – Determine where your target audience spends their time and attention online and offline.
  • Select Channels – Choose the most effective channels to reach your audience, such as social media, email marketing, content marketing, and B2B advertising.

5. Nurture Leads

  • Lead Scoring – Assign scores to leads based on their engagement and interest level.
  • Personalized Communication – Tailor your messaging and content to each lead's specific needs and preferences.
  • Automation – Use marketing automation tools to streamline lead nurturing processes and send timely communications.

6. Track and Measure

  • Analytics Tools – Implement analytics tools to track website traffic, lead generation, and conversions.
  • A/B Testing – Experiment with different marketing strategies and tactics to optimize your funnel.
  • Continuous Improvement – Regularly analyze your funnel's performance and make necessary adjustments to improve results.

Building a successful B2B marketing funnel is an ongoing process. It requires consistent effort, data-driven insights, and a willingness to adapt and improve.

Focus on Enhancing B2B Marketing with Amasty's B2B Suite

Building an e-commerce marketing funnel takes effort and time, which translates into paid FTEs. To maximize your capabilities in creating a B2B dream marketing machine and optimize your funnel, you need a comprehensive suite of e-commerce tools to automate your daily e-commerce tasks.

Amasty's B2B suite simplifies and automates key aspects of your B2B operations. It introduces features such as automated customer group assignments, shipping restrictions, product attachments, easy order management, and more tools that free up your valuable time, letting you to concentrate on developing and executing effective marketing strategies.

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Frequently asked questions

A B2B marketing funnel is a strategic framework that maps out the customer journey, guiding potential B2B buyers from initial awareness to loyal customers.

The content marketing funnel for B2B focuses on using valuable content (blogs, ebooks, webinars etc.) at each stage of the funnel to educate, engage, and nurture leads.

The B2B product funnel specifically highlights how your product or service addresses the needs of B2B buyers throughout the decision-making process.

A B2B full funnel marketing strategy contains all the tactics and tools used to guide potential customers through every stage of the funnel, from awareness to retention.  

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